Linux is a well known OS, that's frequently used for web servers, due to the fact it features a variety of advantages over other Operating Systems. It's regarded as being the most solid Operating system nowadays and because of the way it runs, corrupted files will simply not work. Since Linux is 100 free and easy to personalize, not to mention that it's incredibly fast and light with regard to the resources it requires. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is the software environment which many of the most well-known script apps require – WordPress, Moodle, Joomla, and so on. The LAMP configuration is the most popular one around the globe, since it's stable and simple to take care of.

Stable Linux with Apache in Hosting

The hosting accounts that we offer are set up on our cutting-edge customized cloud website hosting platform. Independent clusters of servers are used to take care of every single part of the website hosting service, such as emails, databases and so on. All our web servers run Linux. The latter has been custom made as a way to make certain that we can provide you with a reliable website hosting service without wasting resources. We use the amazing Apache web server and we even have a full cluster for it, so all HTTP requests between visitors and your websites shall be dealt with without delay. You'll be able to use a variety of languages for your websites – HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Python, Perl, etc., and you shall not have to be worried about protection or reliability issues at any time.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you get a semi-dedicated server account for your Internet sites, you'll be able to take full advantage of a secure and dependable website hosting service on our revolutionary hosting platform. Linux-powered clusters of web servers will provide you with the system resources and the uptime that you desire, because this OS harmonizes with our requirements and enables us to modify the software environment to get the most out of the platform, whose architecture contributes to the speed and stability of the service even more, for the reason that your files, databases, e-mail messages, statistics, and so forth., shall have their own group to handle them. To boost the performance of your Internet sites more, we use the Apache web server, since our working experience reveals that it is the perfect one for our custom platform because it is powerful, yet light and speedy.