Dedicated IP Address in Hosting
When you use a hosting account on our cloud platform, you'll be able to obtain a dedicated IP and assign it to any domain or subdomain with just a few clicks regardless of where your account is - in the United States, Britain or Australia. This is done from the Hosted Domains part of our intuitive and user-friendly Hepsia Control Panel where you can also monitor what IPs are available, what are in use and what sites they are assigned to. If you would like to use an SSL certificate in order to secure the information of your website visitors and you acquire it through our company, our system can assign a dedicated IP and install the SSL for you, so you won't need to do anything manually on your end. Meanwhile, you can still have a website in a subdomain as an add-on to the main one under a shared IP address - a discussion forum where users can share their opinion about your services, for example.
Dedicated IP Address in Semi-dedicated Servers
In case you have a semi-dedicated server account, adding a new dedicated IP takes just a couple of clicks. Our Hepsia Control Panel is very simple and intuitive to use, so even when you haven't had a web hosting account before, you will not encounter any kind of difficulties to acquire and assign a dedicated IP. Any domain or subdomain in the account can use its own IP instead of the server's shared one and you will be able to make this change in the Hosted Domains section, where you can also see all IPs that your sites can use as well as if a dedicated IP is accessible or you're already using it. If you'd like to have an IP for an SSL certificate, we have an SSL order instrument through which you'll be able to select everything to be installed automatically. With this particular feature, our system will modify the IP address of the desired domain/subdomain to a dedicated one and it will set up your certificate in a couple of minutes, so you won't need to do anything on your end other than approving the SSL request through email.
Dedicated IP Address in VPS Servers
All VPS hosting plans that we offer come with a dedicated IP address, so you won't share the IP with some other client with some other account on the very same machine. In case you select a hosting Control Panel for the server during the registration process, you will receive a second dedicated IP too and you'll be able to use it for any content which you host on your VPS - an Internet site, an app, an SSL certificate, a VOIP server, and so on. In case you need more IPs, you'll be able to order them as an additional upgrade through your billing Control Panel and they'll be assigned to your server quickly. You will be able to take care of the IPs with ease through your hosting Control Panel and the virtualization admin panel that you'll obtain to take care of the virtual machine.
Dedicated IP Address in Dedicated Servers
If you get a dedicated server, you probably plan to run a web app or host numerous websites, so we provide three dedicated IP addresses 100 % free with every single package and you will be able to use them the way you like - a software server, an SSL certificate, even child name servers for a domain that you have registered here or from another company. The last option is very useful when you use the dedicated server to host customers' Internet sites due to the fact that it'll give you credibility and anonymity as a hosting company. The server billing Control Panel will make it easier to add more IPs as well - the upgrade is in increments of three and takes just a few clicks in the Upgrades section, which means that you will be able to go ahead and start using your brand new dedicated IP addresses a few minutes after you submit your order.